February 23, 2025

What to do, when market´s slow

1 min read

If you suspect it´s going to be a slow day, or if you just feel that your not 100% fit for trading, for whatever reason.

Here´s a tip, what you can do.

The DOMinator



















The rules are quite simple:

1 contract has to be in the market the whole session, I use 9:30 AM (EST) – 10:30 AM
You can not cover, only reverse your position.
You´re not alloved to prepare any levels with charts, you can´t even look at a chart before or while gaming.

I think, it´s all too easy to get hooked on price charts pattern and indicators, with all the fancy tools that are out there. So, going back to some real trading might not be such a bad idea.

I assure you, that after a couple of sessions with DOM and T&S only, you develop a very good sense for order flow and rythm.
I also think it´s a very good way to learn how to stick with your winners a bit longer. Because, when you reverse your position, you want the other side to be stronger, and they have to show it, else it´s better to stick with the position you´re already in.

It has helped me a lot.




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